Thursday, July 31, 2014

Color war: last mariv together!

After such amazing days , we had one last and final mariv of color war (in the sgp zal)!!

Grand sing 12: Finnish with singing and dancing!

We finished the amazing night with singing and dancing that lead to outside!

Grand sing 11: Team gifts

then we had representatives of each team give presents to different people...

Grand sing 10: team presentation

Then we had some cheering of different songs, from both teams - in the spirit :-)

Grand sing 09: it happened Yom Kippur

Then we sang together (in honor of the yidden in eretz Yisroel) the sing "it happened Yom Kippur".

Grand sing 08: comedy song

Then we had a grand comedy song - both teams together!! Very very funny! :-)

Grand sing 07: Achdus songs

After the theme song - we all sang together the Rebbe's kapitul nigun, and hinnei ma tov.

Grand sing 06: Theme song 02

This time for points - with full seriousness!

Grand sing 05: Theme song practise

The theme song - first time, for practise.

Grand sing 04: Chayos nigun

After the grand entrances - we all had a chayos nigun!!

Grand sing 03: shoftim grand entrance

The grand entrance of team shoftim (sgp) was the general dressed as statute of liberty, and coming to the NYC subway, announcing that the Rebbe is moshiach and a novie.

Grand sing 02: Mishpotim grand entrance

The Mishpotim (egp) generals entrance was: them dressed up as the president of USA and USSR, coming in a army jeep with a shovel in front (!!), and read a declaration that the Rebbe is moshiach, and he is making changes in the would...

Grand sing 01: staff skit

The grand sing started off with a staff skit - very funny :-) :-).

COLOR WAR: the grand song!

At team time today we learned the new song of the team - a special thank you to levi and buruch for making it happen!
A recording will Iy"h be coming soon...

COLOR WAR: Grand sing preparations

Sneak peek behind the seance of the grand sing...
The boys worked very hard to make Todd the best grand sing EVER YET!!

Mariv after play

After both amazing plays we had mariv, and hard a Siyum by Mendel Rodel!

COLOR WAR: best play ever yet!!

Thank you all for making the best time machine!
We had the best props!
The best back drops!
The best creation!
The best ideas!
The best in everything!!
Thank you all!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

COLOR WAR: behind the scenes of the play

The boys worked very hard the entire day to make the bast pay ever yet!!! Building the props, panting the back drops, hanging them up, etc...

COLOR WAR: zal decoration

Some pictures of the zal decorated for color war

Monday, July 28, 2014

COLOR WAR!: break out, splitting the teams

The boys were told to come to lunch for inspection, and there the waiters started "fighting" over the food. After the entire commotion - they broke out COLOR WAR!
Then we all headed to the EGP zal to split the teams (Sgp vs. Egp) and the staff...

Pre color war - staff meeting

Late at night before color war - the staff had a mass meeting to decide on the roles of color war... till the wee hours of the morning...

Chitas, and night activity

After visiting day - we had sedder Chitas, and heard a miracle story.
Then we had night activity: a live game of stratego!!!!

Visiting day

Today was visiting day in camp, and many parents of egp came to visit their children.
(Most did not forget to tip their staff...)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Laundry and video

After shabbos we went to.... Laundry!! And their we watched the next "week in review"...